Hills Tuesday Mixed - SummerComp 24/25
SummerComp 24/25 Starts Tues December 3 through to March 25 with a break over Xmas.
Rego Fee is $110 per player with a minimum of 10 players per team (no maximum).
A deposit of $330 must be paid before we can put you in the draw with the balance of $770 due on or before round 1.
*A late payment fee of $10 per player will apply for any payments made after Rd.3
** 1st 10 teams to register and pay in full receive a FREE Official team ball.
Payments can be made by credit card online here, or by EFT through your bank website, to Hills Touch BSB:732170 Acc:525065 - Include your name and team in description.
All players MUST register Online in your team using this website.
Please read and be aware of our Local Rules at Hillstouch.com
Hills Wednesday Men's - SummerComp 24/25
SummerComp 24/25 Starts Wed December 4 through to March 25 with a break over Xmas.
Rego Fee is $110 per player with a minimum of 10 players per team (no maximum).
A deposit of $330 must be paid before we can put you in the draw with the balance of $770 due on or before round 1.
*A late payment fee of $10 per player will apply for any payments made after Rd.3
** 1st 10 teams to register and pay in full receive a FREE Official team ball.
Payments can be made by credit card online here, or by EFT through your bank website, to Hills Touch BSB:732170 Acc:525065 - Include your name and team in description.
All players MUST register Online in your team using this website.
Please read and be aware of our Local Rules at Hillstouch.com
Northern Beaches SuperTouch - SummerComp 25
SummerComp '25 Starts Wednesday January 15 at Narrabeen Sports High synthetic field(12 week Comp).
Rego Fee is $120 per player = $1200 for a team of 10. (min of 10 per team, no Maximum).
You can have less than 10 but you still need to pay for 10.
A deposit of $360 (=3 players)must be paid before we can put you in the draw with the balance of $840 due on or before round 1. A late payment fee of $10 per player will apply for any payments made after Rd.3
Payments can be made by credit card online when you register, or by EFT through your bank website, to SuperTouch BSB:732170 Acc:525065 - Include your name and team in description.
Hills Thursday SuperTouch - SummerComp 24/25
SummerComp 24/25 Starts Thurs December 5 through to March 25 with a break over Xmas.
Rego Fee is $110 per player with a minimum of 10 players per team (no maximum).
A deposit of $330 must be paid before we can put you in the draw with the balance of $770 due on or before round 1.
*A late payment fee of $10 per player will apply for any payments made after Rd.3
** 1st 10 teams to register and pay in full receive a FREE Official team ball.
Payments can be made by credit card online here, or by EFT through your bank website, to Hills Touch BSB:732170 Acc:525065 - Include your name and team in description.
All players MUST register Online in your team using this website.
Please read and be aware of our Local Rules at Hillstouch.com